nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for 6月 19th, 1999

The sleeping-baby rule for dedicated dads

# A sleeping baby will remain so until (a) the parents are sound asleep
# or (b) the parents are in the middle of lovemaking
# < The sleeping-baby rule for dedicated dads >
(Today is father’s day)

# 赤ん坊は(a) 親が熟睡する、(b)親が「そのこと」の真最中であるかのどちらかの時までは寝ている。
# < 一生懸命の父親のための寝ている赤ん坊の規則 >

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて and have The sleeping-baby rule for dedicated dads はコメントを受け付けていません