■31, May, 2004
A sinle fact can spoil a goog argument.
< ウェーバーの金言>
■31, May, 2004
A sinle fact can spoil a goog argument.
< ウェーバーの金言>
■29,30, May, 2004
Save all the parts.
< 頭脳的な修理の規則 >
■28, May, 2004
The box containing the most valuable delicate object will be the one dropped.
< マーフィーの引っ越しの法則 >
■27, May, 2004
Get you facts first, and you can distort them as much as you please.
< マーク トゥエインの助言 >
■26, May, 2004
Two wong is only the beggining
< コーンのマーフィーの法則に対する推論 >
■25, May, 2004
There is some advise that is too good – The advise to love your enemies, for example.
幾つかのとても良いアドバイスがある – 例えば敵を愛するためのアドバイスとか。
< ホーの理論 >
■24, May, 2004
There’s no sense in being precise when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
< フォン ノイマンの公理 >
■22,23, May, 2004
The best defense against logic is ignorance.
< フィリップの規則 >
■21, May, 2004
1. If you have a pen, there is no paper.
2. If you have a paper, there is no pen.
3. I fyou have both, there is no message.
1. ペンがあれば紙がない
2. 紙があればペンがない
3. 両方ともあればメッセージはない。
< フランクの電話現象 >
■20, May, 2004
If you are in a hole, stop digging.
< 発掘の第一の規則 >
■19, May, 2004
Literature is most about having sex and not much about having children. Life is other way round.
< ロッジの人生の法則 >
■18, May, 2004
Seek simplicity, and distrust it.
< ホワイトヘッドの規則 >
■17, May, 2004
There is aple parking everywhere except where you want to park.
< 駐車の法則 >
■15,16, May, 2004
Man is always ready ti die for an idea, provided that the idea is not quite clear to him.
< エルドリッジの戦争の法則 >
■14, May, 2004
No matter what the anticipated result, there will always someone eager to (a) misinterpret it, (b) fake it, (c) believe it happened to his or her own pet theory.
予測される結論が何であれ、自分のお気に入りの理論に(a)こじつけて解釈, (b)ねつ造する, (c)既に起こっていると言うふうにしたい人間がいる。
< フィナグルの第二法則 >
■13, May, 2004
The quickest way to fnd somethiing is to start looking for something else.
< オイエンの観察 >
■12, May, 2004
The location of all objects cannot be known simultaneously.
< ハイゼンベルグの不確定性原理 >
■11, May, 2004
The most vital dimention on any plan or drawing stands the greatest chance of beiong omitted.
< 小心な技術者の一般法則 >
■10, May, 2004
If it looks easy, it’s tough. If it looks tough, it’s damn well ipossible.
< ストックマイヤーの定理 >
■8,9, May, 2004
A show-off is any child who is more talented than yours.
< 母の法則>
■7, May, 2004
The speed of an oncoming vehicle is directly proportional to the length of passing zone.
< リースの法則 >
■6, May, 2004
If a husband speeks deep in the forest and his wife isn’t there to hear him, is he still wrong?
< ウィリアムの問い >
■5, May, 2004
Living in the past has one thing i ts favor – itt’s cheaper.
< ケリーの観察>
■4, May, 2004
The lost sock reappears only after its match has been discarded.
< ファーガス夫人の観察 >
■3, May, 2004
When working on a project, if you put away a tool that you ‘re certain you’re finished with, you will need it instantly.
< いらいらの法則 >
■1,2, May, 2004
If a child looks like his father, that’s heredity.
If he looks like a neighbor, thats environment.
< スティーブンの遺伝子の規則 >