nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for 6月, 2000

Miller’s law of insuranse

Insurance covers everything expect what happens.

< ミラーの保険の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Miller’s law of insuranse はコメントを受け付けていません

Heid’s law of lines.

No matter how early you arrive, someone else is on line first.

< ハイドの列の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Heid’s law of lines. はコメントを受け付けていません

Gerhard’s observation

We’re making progress. Things are getting worse at the slower rate.

< ゲルハルトの観察>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Gerhard’s observation はコメントを受け付けていません

Kelly’s first law of Aerial navigation

The most important information on any chart is on the fold, which is torn.

< ケリーの航空ナビゲーションの第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Kelly’s first law of Aerial navigation はコメントを受け付けていません

Babcock’s law

If it can be borrowed and it can be broken, you will borrow it and you wil break it.

< バブコックの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 経験学 - Empiric and have Babcock’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

J. T.’s law of technical support

The better the customer service, The sooner you get to speak with someone who can’ t help.


posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory and have J. T.’s law of technical support はコメントを受け付けていません

Farell’s law of newfangled gadgetry

The most expensive component is the one that breaks.

< ファレルの新しいがりやの小道具の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Farell’s law of newfangled gadgetry はコメントを受け付けていません

Murphy’s second universal law

If they say “You’ll get used to it” you won’t.

< マーフィーの普遍法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Murphy’s second universal law はコメントを受け付けていません

Cromer’s law

A digital readout provides misinformation with greater accuracy than previously possible.

< クロマーの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in エントロピー Entropy,帳尻学 - Meeting ends,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Cromer’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

First law of corporate planning

Anything that can be changed will be changed until there is no time left to change anything.

< 企業計画の第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,プロジェクト - Projects and have First law of corporate planning はコメントを受け付けていません

Hagan’s law

The attension span of the computer is only as long as electrical cord.

< ヘイガンの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 経験学 - Empiric and have Hagan’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Cory’s law of parenting

Children become noisy as you get on the telephone.

< コリーの子育ての法則>

The worse the phone connection, the louder the kids get.


< ゼリーの推論>

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Cory’s law of parenting はコメントを受け付けていません

Evan’s law

Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy.

< エヴァンの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory and have Evan’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

H.L.Mencken’s rule

When the world cures one error, it usually turns to another, worse than the first.


posted by ndaznnez in 社会 - Community/Society and have H.L.Mencken’s rule はコメントを受け付けていません

Russel on patriotism

Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.

< 愛国主義者のラッセル>

posted by ndaznnez in 人間 - Human and have Russel on patriotism はコメントを受け付けていません

Tussman’s law

Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.

< タスマンの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 未分類 and have Tussman’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Thillis’s organizational principle

If you file it, you’ll know where it is but you’ll never need it. If you don’t file it, you’ll ned it but never know where it is.

< ティリスの組織原理>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,処世 - Getting on in life and have Thillis’s organizational principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Dale’s parking postulate

If only two cars lft in a parking lot, one will be blocking the other.

< デールの駐車場の主張>

The car being blocked is yours.
< Nnezou's supplement >

< んねぞうの補足>

posted by ndaznnez in んねぞうの拡張 - Extension by nNEZOU,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Dale’s parking postulate はコメントを受け付けていません

Fish’s first law of animal behavior

The probability of a cat eating its dnner has absolutely nothing to do with the price of the food placed before it.

< フィッシュの動物の食行動に対する第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 経験学 - Empiric and have Fish’s first law of animal behavior はコメントを受け付けていません

Mcfee’s maxim

Matter can neither be never created nor destroyed. However, it can be lost.

< マクフィーの格言>

posted by ndaznnez in 帳尻学 - Meeting ends and have Mcfee’s maxim はコメントを受け付けていません

Bershader’s law

Experment and theory often show remarkable agreement when performed in the same laboratory.

< バーシェードの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Bershader’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Murphy’s airport axiom

Your flight never leaves from gate #1.

< マーフィーの空港の格言>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Murphy’s airport axiom はコメントを受け付けていません

Third principle of gardening

Lawns and flowers are annuals for perennials, but weeds know no season.

< ガーデニングの原理>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Third principle of gardening はコメントを受け付けていません

Benedict’s law of carpooling

As soon as you switched the carpool lane, the other lanes of traffick speed up.

< ベネディクトのカープールの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて and have Benedict’s law of carpooling はコメントを受け付けていません

Frank’s phone phenomena

1. If you have a pen, there’s no paper.
2. If you have paper, there’s no pen.
3. If you have both, thre’s no message.

1. ペンがあれば紙がない
2. 紙があればペンがない
3. 両方あれば、伝えるものがない
< フランクの電話現象>

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて and have Frank’s phone phenomena はコメントを受け付けていません

Sy’s law of science

Sometimes it takes several years to recognize the obious.

< サイの科学の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Sy’s law of science はコメントを受け付けていません