nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Rule of the Great

When somebody you greatly admire and respect appears to be thinking deep thoughts, he is probably thinking about lunch.



posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,人間 - Human,人間関係 - Human relationship,処世 - Getting on in life and have No Comments

No Responses to “Rule of the Great”

  1. Orpha Pauker より:

    Hallo zusammen,
    Toller Blog, aber leider sehe ich nur die hälfte.Ist Euch das bekannt?
    Liegt das an meinem Safari?

    Gruß aus

    • ndaznnez より:

      Thanks for your comment.

      This blog is mainly aimed to provide with Japanese translation of daily Murphy’s Law calendar. I suppose the inconvenience your are facing is a consequence of that the blog contains fairly amount of Japanese character (Kanji). So, it will not by any defect nor mis-settings of software at your end.

      Sorry for late reply. I’ve just back from India last evening.

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