nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for 8月 5th, 1999

Pareto’s law ( The 20/80 law )

# Twenty percent of the cusomers account for eighty percent of the turnover.
# Twenty percent of the components account for eighty percent of the cost.
# < Pareto's law ( The 20/80 law ) >

# 顧客の20%から売り上げの80%を得る
# 20%の部品にコストの80%がかかる。
# < パレートの法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory and have Pareto’s law ( The 20/80 law ) はコメントを受け付けていません