nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for the '科学技術 – Science and technology' Category

Finagle’s first law

■2, August, 2004
If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

< フィナグルの第一法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Finagle’s first law はコメントを受け付けていません

Williams and Holland’s law

■29, July, 2004
If enough data is collected, anythig may be proven by statistical methods.

< ウィリアムスとホーランドの法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Williams and Holland’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

First rule of applied mathematics

■7, July, 2004
Ninety-eight percent of all statistics are made up.

< 応用数学の第一規則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have First rule of applied mathematics はコメントを受け付けていません

The first rule of excavation

■20, May, 2004
If you are in a hole, stop digging.

< 発掘の第一の規則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 人間 - Human,科学技術 - Science and technology and have The first rule of excavation はコメントを受け付けていません

Finagle’s second law

■14, May, 2004
No matter what the anticipated result, there will always someone eager to (a) misinterpret it, (b) fake it, (c) believe it happened to his or her own pet theory.

予測される結論が何であれ、自分のお気に入りの理論に(a)こじつけて解釈, (b)ねつ造する, (c)既に起こっていると言うふうにしたい人間がいる。
< フィナグルの第二法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 人間 - Human,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Finagle’s second law はコメントを受け付けていません

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

■12, May, 2004
The location of all objects cannot be known simultaneously.

< ハイゼンベルグの不確定性原理 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology,経験学 - Empiric and have Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Universal law of Naive Engineers

■11, May, 2004
The most vital dimention on any plan or drawing stands the greatest chance of beiong omitted.

< 小心な技術者の一般法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Universal law of Naive Engineers はコメントを受け付けていません

Law of automotive repair

■29, April, 2004
You can’t fix it if it ain’t broke.

< 自動車修理の法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Law of automotive repair はコメントを受け付けていません

The Betamax principle

■24, March, 2004
If there are two competing and incompatible technologies on the market, the inferior technology will prevail.

< βマックスの原理>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,科学技術 - Science and technology and have The Betamax principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Sy’s law of science

■18, February, 2004
Sometims it takes several years to recognize the obvious.

< サイの科学の法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Sy’s law of science はコメントを受け付けていません

Weiner’s Law of Libraries

■ 6,February, 2004
There are no answers, only cross-references.

< ウェイナーの図書館の法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology,経験学 - Empiric and have Weiner’s Law of Libraries はコメントを受け付けていません

First law of particle physics

■ 30, January, 2004
The shorter the life of particle, the greater itcosts to produce.

< 素粒子物理学の第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in お金 - Money,プロジェクト - Projects,科学技術 - Science and technology and have First law of particle physics はコメントを受け付けていません

Futility factor

■ 29, January, 2004
No experiment is ever a complete failure – It can always serve as a negative example.

< 無意味さの要素>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Futility factor はコメントを受け付けていません

Fett’s law of the lab

■ 28, January, 2004
Nerver replicate a successful experiment.

< フェットの研究室の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Fett’s law of the lab はコメントを受け付けていません

Principle of design inertia

Any change looks terrble at first.

< 設計慣性の原理>

posted by ndaznnez in プロジェクト - Projects,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Principle of design inertia はコメントを受け付けていません

Third law of research

The theory is supported as long as the funding remains.

< リサーチの第三法則>

posted by ndaznnez in お金 - Money,プロジェクト - Projects,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Third law of research はコメントを受け付けていません

Halder’s rule of simplification

Any technological revision made to simplify a system, program, or device will, in prctice, create new difficulties.

< ホルダーの単純化の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in プロジェクト - Projects,情報 - Information,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Halder’s rule of simplification はコメントを受け付けていません

Fifth law of design

Design flaws travel in groups.

< 設計の第五法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Fifth law of design はコメントを受け付けていません

Thompson’s theory

Any theory can be made to fit any fact by incorporation additional assumptions.

< トンプソンの理論>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Thompson’s theory はコメントを受け付けていません

Farell’s law of newfangled gadgetry

The most expensive component is the one that breaks.

< ファレルの新しいがりやの小道具の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Farell’s law of newfangled gadgetry はコメントを受け付けていません

Cromer’s law

A digital readout provides misinformation with greater accuracy than previously possible.

< クロマーの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in エントロピー Entropy,帳尻学 - Meeting ends,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Cromer’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Bershader’s law

Experment and theory often show remarkable agreement when performed in the same laboratory.

< バーシェードの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Bershader’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Sy’s law of science

Sometimes it takes several years to recognize the obious.

< サイの科学の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Sy’s law of science はコメントを受け付けていません

Grelb’s law of erroring

In any series of calculations, errors tend to occur at the opposite end from which you begin checking.

< グレルプのエラーの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,科学技術 - Science and technology,経験学 - Empiric and have Grelb’s law of erroring はコメントを受け付けていません

Fifth rule of manufacturing

A failure will not appear until the unit has passed final inspection.

< 製造の第五法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Fifth rule of manufacturing はコメントを受け付けていません

Klipstein’s third law of production

After an instrument has been fully assempled, extra component will be found on the bench.

< クリップシュタインの製造の第三法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Klipstein’s third law of production はコメントを受け付けていません

Second law of revision (A.K.A The domino theory)

The more simple a modification appears to be, te further its influence will extend and the more plans will have to be redrawn.

< 改訂の第二法則 - 又は ドミノ理論として知られる>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Second law of revision (A.K.A The domino theory) はコメントを受け付けていません

Gore’s law of design engineering

That component of any circuit which has the shortest service life will be placed in the least accessible location.

< ゴアの設計エンジニアリングの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Gore’s law of design engineering はコメントを受け付けていません

Finagle’s fifth rule

Experiments should be reproducible – they all should be fail in the same way.

< フィナグルの第五の規則>

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Finagle’s fifth rule はコメントを受け付けていません

Heisenbelg’s uncertainty principle

# The location of all objects cannot be known simultaneously.
# < Heisenbelg's uncertainty principle >
# If a lost thing is found, something will disappear.
# < Corollary >

# 同時に複数の物体の位置を知ることはできない。
# < ハイゼンベルクの不確定性原理 >
# 失せ物が一つ見つかったら、別のものがなくなる。
#< 推論>

posted by ndaznnez in 帳尻学 - Meeting ends,生活 - Daily life,科学技術 - Science and technology and have Heisenbelg’s uncertainty principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Felson’s law

# To steel idea from one person is plagiarism, to steal from many is research.
# < Felson's law >

# 一人のアイディアを盗むのは盗用、大勢から盗むのは研究
# < フェルソンの法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 科学技術 - Science and technology and have Felson’s law はコメントを受け付けていません