nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for the '悲観主義或いは戒め – Pessimism and admonition' Category

Murphy’s law for movers

■28, May, 2004
The box containing the most valuable delicate object will be the one dropped.

< マーフィーの引っ越しの法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Murphy’s law for movers はコメントを受け付けていません

Kohn’s corollary to Murphy’s law

■26, May, 2004
Two wong is only the beggining

< コーンのマーフィーの法則に対する推論 >

posted by ndaznnez in 人生 - Life,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Kohn’s corollary to Murphy’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Kovaleski’s dictum

■4, March, 2004
If credit canpossibely go to someone else, it will.

< コバレスキの金言>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Kovaleski’s dictum はコメントを受け付けていません

Porter’s principle

■1, March, 2004
If a job does not go wrong, then
1. It will have to be undone;
2. I will have to be redone, ;
3. It was the wrong job in the first place.

1. その仕事はなかったことにしなければならなくなるか、
2. もう一度やりなおさなければならなくなるか、
3. 最初から悪かったか
< ポーターの原則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Porter’s principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Broun’s rule

■26, February, 2004
One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.

< ブラウンの規則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Broun’s rule はコメントを受け付けていません

Etorre’s observation

■ 13, January, 2004
.Tha other line moves faster.

< エトールの観察 >

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Etorre’s observation はコメントを受け付けていません

Cafeteria Law

■ 12, January, 2004
The item you had your eye on the minute you walked in will be taken by the person in front of you.

< カフェテリアの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Cafeteria Law はコメントを受け付けていません

Amerikaner’s law of light

There are two kind of Hanukkah candles:
1. Broken
2. Unlightable

1. 折れている
2. 点かない

< アメリカーナーの灯りの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Amerikaner’s law of light はコメントを受け付けていません

Cheop’s law

Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

< ショップの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in プロジェクト - Projects,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Cheop’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

THe queue principle

The longer you wait in line, the greater the likelyhood that you are standing in the wrong line.

< 待ち行列の原理>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have THe queue principle はコメントを受け付けていません

Hunt’s law

Every great idea has a disadvantage equial or exceeding the greatness of the idea.

< ハントの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 帳尻学 - Meeting ends,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Hunt’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Winfield’s dictum of direction giving

The likelihood of getting lost is directory proportional to the number of times the direction giver sais “You can’t miss it.”

< ウィンフィールドの道案内の格言>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Winfield’s dictum of direction giving はコメントを受け付けていません

Gilb’s second law of unreliability

Any system ehich depends on human reliability is unreliable.

< 非信頼性に関するギルプの第二法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 人間 - Human,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Gilb’s second law of unreliability はコメントを受け付けていません

Firts law of negative anticipation

You will save yourself a lot of needless worry if you don’t burn your bridges until you come to them.

< ネガティブな予測の第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Firts law of negative anticipation はコメントを受け付けていません

Whitney’s rule of school districts

Good student move away. New student come from school that do not teach anything.

< ホイットニーの校区の規則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Whitney’s rule of school districts はコメントを受け付けていません

Murphy’s second law for husbands

The first time you go out after your wife’s birthday, you you will set the gift you gave her marked down 50 percent.

If she’s with you, she’ll assumue you chose because it was cheap.

< マーフィーの夫のための第二法則>

< 推論>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Murphy’s second law for husbands はコメントを受け付けていません

Barbara’s rule of class schedules

Scheduling two classes in a row ensures that they will meet in classrooms at the opposite ends of the campus.

< バーバラの履修スケジュールの規則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Barbara’s rule of class schedules はコメントを受け付けていません

First law of class scheduling

If the course you wanted most has room for thirty students, you will be the thiety-first to apply.

< 講座履修の第一法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have First law of class scheduling はコメントを受け付けていません

Etorre’s observation

The other line moves faster.



If you change lines, the one you just left will start to move faster than the one you are now in.


Switching back screws up both lines and makes everybody angry.

posted by ndaznnez in That's Life…人生こんなもんだて,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Etorre’s observation はコメントを受け付けていません

The airplane law

When the plane youa re on is late, the plane you want to transfer is on time.

< 飛行機の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have The airplane law はコメントを受け付けていません

Golub’s second law of computerdom

A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project takes only twice as long.

< ゴラブのコンピュータ界の第二法則>

posted by ndaznnez in プロジェクト - Projects,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Golub’s second law of computerdom はコメントを受け付けていません

Third law of construction

When all the screws are Phillips – head, your screw driver isn’t.

< 工事の第三法則>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,情報 - Information and have Third law of construction はコメントを受け付けていません

First law of documentation

If it should exit, it doesn’t.

If it does exit, it’s out of date.


< 文書の第一法則>
< 文書の第二法則>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have First law of documentation はコメントを受け付けていません

Donne’s feminist discoverly

If an article is “Specially designed for women”, it is the same as a man’s model but twice as expensive.

< ドンのフェミニストの発見>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Donne’s feminist discoverly はコメントを受け付けていません

Grigg’s law of individual performance

The day you set the record, your team will lose the game.

< グリッグの個人性能の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Grigg’s law of individual performance はコメントを受け付けていません

Fourth law of bus riding

Bus schedules are arranged so you bus will arrive at the transfer point precisely one minute after the connecting bus has left.

< バス乗車の第四法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Fourth law of bus riding はコメントを受け付けていません

Minton’s law of painting

Any paint, regardless of quality or composition, will adhere permanently to any surface if applied accidentally.

< ミントンのペンキの法則>

posted by ndaznnez in ビジネス/オフィス/工場 - Business/Office/Factory,悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Minton’s law of painting はコメントを受け付けていません

Bedfellow’s rule

The one who snores will fall asleep first.

< ベッド仲間の規則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Bedfellow’s rule はコメントを受け付けていません

The motel maxim

The person who will leave the earliest has parked his car infront of your window.

< モーテルの金言>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have The motel maxim はコメントを受け付けていません

Miller’s law of insuranse

Insurance covers everything expect what happens.

< ミラーの保険の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition and have Miller’s law of insuranse はコメントを受け付けていません

Heid’s law of lines.

No matter how early you arrive, someone else is on line first.

< ハイドの列の法則>

posted by ndaznnez in 悲観主義或いは戒め - Pessimism and admonition,経験学 - Empiric and have Heid’s law of lines. はコメントを受け付けていません