nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Archive for the '未分類' Category

Marshal’s first law of the legislature

Never let the facts get in the way of a carefuly-thought-out bad decision.

< マーシャルの立法府の第一法則>

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Meader’s law

Whatever happens to you, it will have happened previously to everyone you know, only more so.

< ミーダーの法則>

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Qulgley’s law

A car and a truck approaching each other on an otherwise deserted road will meet at the narrow bridge.

< カルグレーの法則>

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Kissinger’s axiom

University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.

< キンッシンジャーの金言>

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Schumids’s guide to art

Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to look at a painting.

< シュミットの芸術案内>

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Mishlove’s law

Never trust a lawyer who says he just slapped something together.

< ミショルブの法則>

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L’engele law of accounting

Nobody went out of business paying too many taxes beacuse earrining too much of money.

< ランゲルの会計法則>

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Palver’s pronouncement

The closer to the truth, the better the lie.

< バルバーの判決>

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Tussman’s law

Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.

< タスマンの法則>

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Durant’s discovery

One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.

< デュラントの発見>

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Mom’s law

A show-off is any child who is more talented than yours.


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Law of reverse progress

The complex system that works replaces a simple system that works.

< 逆進化の法則>

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First rule of history

History doesn’t repeat itself – histories merely repeat one another.

< 歴史の第一規則>

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The guest rule

Never mistake endurance for hospitality.

< 客人の規則>

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Stenderup’s law

The sooner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up.

posted by ndaznnez in 未分類 and have Stenderup’s law はコメントを受け付けていません

Campbell’s maxim

Hell is the place where everything tests perfectly and nothing works.

< キャンベルの金言>

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Fant’s law

When attempting to open a locked door…

< ファントの法則>

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Clarke’s second law

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond then into the impossible.

< クラークの第二法則>

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Balsridge’s law

If we knew what we are getting into, we would never get into anything.

< ボルスリッジの法則>

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Gibb’s law

Infinity is one lawyer waiting for another.

< ギブの法則>

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Martin’s monkey maxim

It takes a lot of borrowing to live within your income.

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Robert’s Christmas rule

# The less mechanically inclined the father, the more likely the child will want something that has to be assembled.
# < Robert's Christmas rule >

# 無意識のうちに父親に依存している子供は、何か組み立てられるものを求めがちである。
# < ロバートのクリスマスの法則 >

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The book lever’s rule

# Never judge a book by its cover price.
# < The book lever's rule >

# 本の価値を値段で判断するな
# < 愛書家の規則 >

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Glime’s formula for success

# The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake it, you’ve got it made.
# < Glime's formula for success >

# 成功の秘訣は誠意である。一度そのように見せかけることができたら、こっちのものだ。
# < グライムの成功への処方 >

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Sartle’s observation

# Hell is others.
# < Sartle's observation >

# ■■■ Give up! salvage me from Hell! ■■■
# < サルトルの批評 >

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Luposchainsky’s Hurry-Up-and-Wait principles

# 1. If you are early, it’ll be canceled.
# 2. If you Knock yourself out to be on time, you will have to wait.
# 3. If you’re late, you will be too late.
# < Luposchainsky's Hurry-Up-and-Wait principles >

# 1. 早く来たならキャンセルされる。
# 2. 何とか時間通りに来たら、待たされる。
# 3. 遅れてきたなら、全員が待っている。
# < ルポシャインスキーの 急ぐ-待ち の原理 >

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