nNEZOU's Murphy's Law Calendar

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Thrid law of bureaucratic efficiency

# Elimination of onetime-conxuming procedure results in the inprementation of two shorter procedures that, when added together, take longer to complete than the first.
# < Thrid law of bureaucratic efficiency >

# 時間のかかる手続きを一つなくすと、それよりも短いが合わせるともとより長くなる手続きが二つ出来上がる。
# < 官僚効率の第三法則 >

posted by ndaznnez in 政治/官僚/企業/組織 - Politics/Buraucracy/Enterprise/Organasation and have Thrid law of bureaucratic efficiency はコメントを受け付けていません

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